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Author: Nitro Units Team

We organize many things in our lives according to what we inspire. Did you notice this? In the things that affect our creativity, there are touches of what we inspire. Almost all of us actively use our social media accounts in our daily lives. Our timeline is shaped according to our tastes and trends. Posts, reels, and stories that you find interesting are aesthetic creations. A house design, a hair design, or a well-designed post we see on Instagram can...

We can observe the power of social media in the fashion and beauty industry. We can say that companies owe most of their interactions to their social media accounts in the last five years. Also, they have improved in terms of brand awareness and customer intimacy. Accordingly, how profiles are viewed and viewed is of great importance. Media agencies and managers state that following the trends, flawless harmony, and effective collaborations are the keys to success.  Importance and interaction potential of...

By 2023, we know that most people support gender equality but did you know that women have a very low chance to be as important as men in technology and digital? More than 95% of the leaders in the tech industry are men and women have less access to technology as they grow up. The digital divide is one of the aspects to support inequality in digital between genders. To learn about the digital divide and empowerment of women via digital,...

The huge impact of social media marketing on digital marketing is an indisputable fact. Another used for social media marketing is YouTube. According to the “Turkey YouTube User Profile Research 2016” report, 63 percent of those who buy a product say that they watched a video on YouTube that is useful in the decision process before purchasing the product. This data also highlights the importance of YouTube for the marketing processes of companies. At this point, companies that want to...

Meditation has become very popular on social media platforms in the last few years. Even though a lot of people are biased against it, many people are happy it is getting the attention it deserves. Meditation helps you keep focused for a longer period of time and clear your thoughts up. Also, it can help you improve your creativity but how does it help? Read along to learn more about the relationship between meditation and creativity. but, how? Meditation has a long...

After the pandemic, a lot of companies decided to work remotely or in a hybrid system. Since it is still relatively new and companies are still getting used to it, both employees and employers can cross each other’s boundaries. To be more productive and enjoy your life more, you should set boundaries while working online. To learn the importance of setting boundaries and how to do it, keep reading! Why Should You Set Boundaries While Working Online Companies and their workers know...

Though it is relatively new, social media connects people to each other from all around the world. You can meet people from the other side of the world or just get a glance into their lives through social media. This is not only an advantage for our personal lives but for our business lives too. Using Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube you can create a presence for your brand and reach people with different backgrounds and interests. To do so,...

A well-organized workspace can have a significant impact on productivity, efficiency, and even mental well-being. The physical conditions of the working environment are very important for working motivation. A spacious, wide, and clean working area is motivating for the employee. If you are working in a large area with a beautiful view, you are really lucky. If you do not have a working environment as you want, then you can make your working environment the way you want by organizing...

Many individuals desire to start a company or make a career move in areas where everyone knows and wants to be, such as New York City, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. They are hesitant because they are aware of the costs. Many many thoughts on this matter have shifted in recent years, as many current and prospective businesses, beginning with people, discovered that they did not need to be in such pricey locations. With increased independence and financial savings, they boost their...